

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Why Is Heartbreak So Painful | 6 Steps To Healing Heartbreak

in today's article we are going to talk about why is heartbreak so painful I know a lot of times when I hear from you clients about your heartbreaks and exactly the experiences that you're going through I can relate tremendously as I believe that everybody in this world really does suffer and go through heartbreak and I want to give you some clarity right now and you can use this article to get clarity but to also have some motivation in regards to the pain that you're feeling right now and how to get out of it and make sense of all of this now what you're feeling right now is a sense of loss it's kind of like you're mourning a new relationship you know like as a death of a person really even though it's probably not it to the extent of a death but in that case it's your mourning a loss of something right so you're kind of trying to get back into your old nature your old habits and a lot of times when this

happens you're trying to find our self-identity again but the most beautiful thing about life is as time goes on sometimes you can heal in the process and it's really important that you focus on the healing in this process instead of turning this into anger and then having this cycle of repeat and repeat with broken relationships in your life or unfulfilled relationships in your life and that's what I want to talk about today in this article on what to do heartbreak is painful because not only that you lost someone but also to yourself of dependence or is is lost and you don't know where to start possibly and the biggest thing you can do is there's no quick fix for heartbreak okay you know some men will say you know you can go and have other girls and that will cure your heartbreak well people are different some people can do that some people can't and the thing about being really in tune with your

emotions is understanding that you can't you can't focus on I have to heal right away and not feeling the heartbreak that you're in you feel the heartbreak for your and B that you're in because a lot of times men and women sometimes tend to kind of dismiss the feelings and hide the feelings or then there get into a new relationship and then those feelings can occur back and they start being attached they start being needy because this ex-girlfriend or this ex-boyfriend cheated on them they hid the feelings but now they flourished and found another girl that they liked or man that they liked and now these insecurities are being brought into the relationship because they were never dealt with in the first place you get it so that's why sitting with this unfortunate pain is really really important and then doing some self-reflection on yourself right it's about confidence boosting and confidence boosting does not mean that you change your look it means from the internal yes the confidence boosting is about some some about changing your look definitely but you got to start with in here first and one of the ways that you're going to do this is it might sound silly but I can tell you there are so many

articles on YouTube about this and there are so many things that people have done in their lives that have actually been able to heal from this as affirmations is understanding that everything is going to be okay tell yourself everything is going to be ok you were all you need is another affirmation stand like a superhero in front of the mirror I know that sounds crazy but the Superman pose makes you feel more powerful I always suggest to some of my clients that if you wake up in the first thing in the morning you're in a beta mindset and we got to get you to an alpha mindset right and this is just the way of the human brain of different mindsets of how we get into our thinking process and typically when we wake up we're in the beta mindset and we can lower this beta mindset if we think negative thoughts immediately when we wake up and it shifts our day to be sometimes very poor very sad very negative and what I always tell my clients when they're suffering from heartbreak are some

troubling times is if this happens to you in the morning it might sound crazy guys but listen to me hop in that shower and take a cold cold shower because what happens is those thoughts that you are thinking of can't there's no way that the brain can focus on two things so what you're doing to your mind right now is you are retraining you're trying to reprogram and you're showing your mind who is the boss basically and this is something constantly that you're gonna have to do with conversations with yourself and this takes work and do this because afterwards you're going to feel so gratified and you're gonna feel so much more in control and this is what helps you grow as a person because you're gonna say damn if I can do this I can do a lot more if I I'm so powerful I can do this on my own and this is where the recovery starts to happen and the reason why this is so important is because a lot of times like in life in general people stay stuck and we call it the fix and the growth mindset and there's a book about this mindset by Carol duet I believe it do which Dweck I think is her but last name I'm

pronouncing that probably so wrong but it's so important because it's so true when it comes to mindsets right and the way you spit stay in the fixed mindset is not by putting in the work and a lot of times it's the hardest type of work because it's your own self and you have to put yourself first and continuing to show up for you so try new things get involved in a new hobby that you've been wanting to try surround yourself around people that are like-minded people with around you surround yourself also about we're around people that you can grow from that have experienced similar

situations do what you're doing now by watching this article possibly hiring a coach to mentor you in this process if you need to and then also to you is a good time for you do to do a lot of self-reflection spending some of that quiet time alone and getting to know yourself again because a lot of times in relationships we tend to lose our identity so that's why pain is so much harder when you go through heartbreak not only because you lost someone but then you're left with yourself and you're like wow Who am I without this person right does that make sense if it does I want you to share in the comments below and really hold yourself accountable if you're going through heartbreak what are you going to do to better yourself to move forward and to push through this heartbreak so you can get ultimately exactly what you want from your life or from your love life I enjoy you

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