

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Why Do I Attract Broken Women? (I Can "Fix" Her)

this article for you in this article I'm going to talk about the reasons of why you're attracting broken women and use this as a self reflection article for you if this speaks to you if you continue to attract unavailable women that are emotionally unavailable broken or in a damsel in distress environment where they need you and you feel as though that you need to make these things happen and you and you keep on attracting women that are gravitating and leeching onto you to either find themselves or opposite completely unavailable and broken one of the things here is you have to understand that you also in life everything is a mirror and it's a direct reflection on something that possibly can we can learn from and something that we are ignoring right so a lot of times when I see and I work with men that have been attracting the same type of women maybe their whole lives or after a divorce or after you know in their early 20s or 30s it's because of the simple fact that two things one is you can gravitate towards women like this because of the fact that it gives you some superior feeling or

number two is you're attracting broken women because the fact that you might be broken yourself and here's the thing is like broken it's not such a bad thing okay because being broken is not the end result being broken means that you can fix it right you can fix something and the thing here is when you continue to attract broken women my advice to you is to really find out for why how and why you're giving your time to these women because it's not about you know okay this guy that's not broken and me over here that's broken you're not gonna achieve he's not gonna attract this woman and I'm not going to track this woman you both are going to attract the same women okay the difference between the two is he the non broken guy is gonna get good at saying no to the broken women and the broken guy is gonna knock it good at saying bye to the wrong woman right so that's the difference here is understanding and being very clear and disciplined with yourself to understand that you if you continue to attract these women what are the red flags that you're ignoring in the beginning the fact that she told you from day one she was not available the fact that she told you that she's still married the fact that she told you that she is in a stressful situation financially the fact that she told you she wasn't able to find herself but you committed to her still you still continued to date her and she didn't show up for you there's a difference between gaining a woman that is putting in the

 work and you guys found each other and she is open to transition than a woman that's not okay and I'm not saying this to give you a crotch and say you should just date Brooklyn woman especially if they stay they're finding they're finding out more about them and they're working on their growth no actions speak louder than words so the thing here is what I understand and what I would want you to do for yourself if this is something that is happening is take some time to reflect right take some time to reflect on your past relationships and start to identify the patterns that happened in your past relationships and see how those patterns align with probably something that you've gone through in your childhood or other relationships as well once you identify then it's time to kind of do a little bit of forgiveness and let go of this and itemize really and you don't have to put out on a piece of paper or anything what I'm just saying is what do you want from relationships what do you want do you want trust do you want security how do you want this woman to make you feel right the trust and security doesn't come from a broken woman trust and security comes from a very healthy woman a woman that has taken the time to fix herself for a woman that has taken the time to in best in herself

 and a woman that understands the value that a man brings to a woman this is where you do the work this is where you find the woman is when you are clear with what you want so by attaching to broken relationships you know when something doesn't feel healthy I had a conversation with a man the other day and he calls me and he tells me Apollonia you know my girlfriend is really you know might this girl I've been dating we've been dating for five months and she just tells me that I'm such a nice guy and I'm the perfect guy but yet she doesn't commit to me okay well as we go along in the story I find out that she has a very bad value of self-worth for herself the sense of self-worth where she seeks attention from other men openly with her and has him and has told him this so what makes you think that she would give you any value to your life if she doesn't see value in herself so this is where you have to be clear with yourself and we get blinded by she's beautiful oh we have great sex oh this is

 what I want from a woman oh this is this but we don't get blind if we get blinded by all the external stuff that we don't see what this woman is showing up for or for us what she is presenting to us and by no means what I ever want you to be with some broken especially if you want to cultivate a healthy relationship it starts with having a healthy relationship with yourself and part of that is standing up for yourself from a sense of integrity and telling yourself this is not what I want and being open and aware with this process I encourage you if you're going through this to book a one-on-one session with me so I can help you clarify these things and work through this is this is what I do day in and day out with you men as always I'll see you again in the next article and remember you are always loved

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