

Sunday, April 21, 2019


welcome to you an adventure here are,some incredible things you can do in,Singapore if you're going to Singapore,you have to check out Gardens by the bay,it's an extremely futuristic Nature Park,and home to the iconic super trees these,vertical gardens keep the entire park,running through solar power and,collecting and distributing water most,of all the super trees just look,incredible and they make you feel like,you've stepped onto another planet this,is a great place to explore and a really,fun location to shoot a few unmissable,photos it's completely free to enter and,walk around the main parts of the park,as well which is a huge bonus gardens by,the bay isn't just about super trees,though it also houses two eco domes you,will have to pay for entry to these but,it's well worth it they're full of,exotic plants and man-made attractions,the cloud forest in cases the world's,largest indoor waterfall which is,covered from head to toe in jaw-dropping,plant life you can head all the way to,the top and walk over the misty clouds,on this suspended walkway for the best,views,the flower dome takes you on a journey,through the world's most exotic flowers,and plants we were there during

the,autumn harvest festival when they were,also exhibiting this Alice in Wonderland,theme it's a good tip to check the,website before you go and see if there,are any cool events happening also don't,forget to check out the evening light,show it's free and it currently runs,twice every night at super tree grove,you won't be disappointed so how about,Singapore's culture well it's a very,diversity with a huge cultural mix so,you'll find temples churches and mosques,all over the place,but a couple of hubs to explore our,little india china town and the arab,quarter walking into one of these areas,is like being transported to another,country with an intense hits of culture,across just a few blocks it's super fun,to weave between the streets and see the,start difference in culture from food to,architecture and markets each area has,something new to offer and they're all,in relatively close proximity being,either a wall or a short Bluebird right,away if exploring the streets isn't your,thing you can have an incredible

time,immersing yourself in modern culture,Singapore has so much to offer from the,Arts Science Museum - impressive,shopping malls and a wealth of food to,try Marina Bay Sands is an eight billion,dollar casino resort with an infinity,pool and a mesmerizing view of the city,from the top you'll find a luxury,shopping center on the ground floor with,many high-end fashion brands to choose,from however if your budget isn't quite,Louis Vuitton ready we recommend heading,over to Haji Lane where you'll find a,whole ton of coffee shops and trendy,stores to choose from,if you're looking for somewhere to kick,back and relax you can head over to,Sentosa this is a man-made island,paradise and it has everything from,beautiful beaches to adrenaline sports,bars restaurants and luxury resorts it's,even home to a Universal Studios Park so,there's plenty to keep you entertained,or help you escape from the bustling,streets of Singapore well that's all we,can fit into this article but we know,there's so much more to Singapore please,share with us your best experiences from,Singapore and hit subscribe for more of,the best travel tips and articles from,around the world weekly

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