

Sunday, April 21, 2019


welcome to uni lad adventures best,things to do in New Zealand one of the,most memorable things you can do in New,Zealand is hike through Franz Josef,glacier you take a helicopter up to the,glacier and a guide leads you on an,incredible hike carving a path through,ice walls and over open ice Plains it's,definitely worth doing this while you,still can because the glacier is,actually melting and it won't be around,in years to come swimming with wild,dolphins in kaikoura is the best way to,interact with these animals anywhere in,the world you'll get to swim with,hundreds of wild dusky dolphins in their,natural environment there's nothing like,being in the water with these animals,they come up and swim around you for fun,and they're extremely playful this is an,experience you'll never forget

Hobbiton,needs no introduction it's an amazing,place to visit and you'll really feel,like you've stepped right into the world,of Lord of the Rings you can explore the,whole Shire and its incredible set,pieces although it is worth mentioning,that you can't actually go in any of the,Hobbit holes because most of them are,just a front for filming Hobbiton is,definitely not the cheapest attraction,in New Zealand it comes in at 79 New,Zealand Dollars which is about 40,British pounds or 57 US Dollars if you,head down to the green dragon pub you,can buy a specially brewed beer or cider,that's made exclusively for Hobbiton the,tamaki maori village experience in,rotorua is an amazing place to learn,about the history of New Zealand they,teach you the traditions rituals and,techniques developed by the Maori people,and even serve you an amazing banquet of,food cooked in their traditional tribal,way,if you can make it out to milford sound,it's definitely worth the visit you can,take a boat out into the sound and see,the most amazing mountains that are,covered in lush green plant life they,have these

incredible waterfalls that,cascade down them into the waters below,the sound is another filming location,from Lord of the Rings serv you're a fan,there's another added bonus there the,only downside is that it's really far,away from everywhere else it takes just,around four hours to get here from,Queenstown which makes it a full-day,trip another great place you can go to,is Abel Tasman it's a stunning national,park in Nelson the coastline here is,incredible and there's some amazing,plant life to be seen as well it really,feels like you're hiking through a dense,jungle huka falls is the perfect place,to go jet boating you'll be flying,through the water at 80 km/h and,performing crazy 360 degree spins the,best part about huka falls is that you,get to ride right up to the super blue,waterfall which you wouldn't get as an,extra anywhere else in New Zealand New,Zealand has so much more to offer and we,wish we could fit it all in this article ,share your best experiences from New,Zealand with us and don't forget to hit,subscribe for more great articles and,travel tips from around the world

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