

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Things To Do In CROATIA

let's take,a look at some of the incredible things,you can do on a trip to Croatia being,one of your most beautiful countries you,can see some jaw-dropping landscapes,here take a trip to flip this lakes and,you won't be disappointed with the,stunning views some of the world's,clearest water can be found right here,there are tons of boardwalks all over,the park which let you wander out over,the top of 16 amazing lakes these lakes,are so blue that it feels surreal but,it's made even more magical when you,notice that they're all connected by an,endless amount of waterfalls this is,definitely the perfect place to step up,your Instagram game and get the best,shot the biggest waterfalls are actually,at the entrance of the park which means,you'll get an incredible view right at,the start of your day whilst it gets,pretty busy here the parks actually,spaced out really well so you'll have,plenty of time to walk

around take,photos and take things at your own pace,the entry price for plitvice lakes is,actually quite good considering you can,spend an entire day here although if you,have a busy schedule you can definitely,do the park in half a day as well taking,a boat tour out to Park Island is one of,the best things you can do in Croatia we,had an amazing day when we did this and,there are some really beautiful coves to,explore that are surprisingly quiet,depending on when you go you might even,get a beach all to yourselves you can,relax on the top deck of the boat and,work on your suntan or dive into the,ocean to cool off and go snorkeling one,of these tours best features was the,price it came to 250 Kuna each which is,about 30 British pounds or 40 US dollars,for the whole day and they gave us

lunch,as well,our guide cooked us fresh mackerel and,it tasted fantastic try to get on a,smaller tour though so it doesn't feel,overcrowded when you're trying to relax,in paradise after lunch we went to,explore a hidden cavern this was super,fun and it made the day really memorable,now let's talk about Croatia's nightlife,the country's actually famous for its,festivals like hide out and love,international but if you are not heading,out for one of these you can still let,your hair down and have an incredible,night at zurka Beach we had a great time,here and we definitely recommend it if,you look into party last but certainly,not least we have Kirk and National Park,this is a great place to cool off and,you can even go for a swim next to this,incredible steped waterfall this park is,huge

and there's loads to do here so,make sure you plan ahead and get a list,of activities before you go to get the,most out of your day the only downsides,occur is that it's a super busy national,park,it took us loads of time to get in and,it even felt claustrophobic on the,walkways at times as well but once you,found a spot to chill or you get in the,water for a dip you can easily find,peace amongst the crowds so it's up to,you whether or not busyness is enough to,make you cross this one off your list,that's all we have time for today but,don't forget there's so much more to,Croatia so drop your recommendations in,the comments below,and hit subscribe for more the best,travel tips from around the world weekly

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