

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Ultimate Test For A Healthy Relationship! (MUST WATCH)

the ultimate test for a healthy relationship hi everyone I'm Apollonia Ponte your dating and relationship coach founder of Apollonia Ponte comm I ask you to share this article with anyone who you think will need it now let's talk about healthy relationships when we are in a healthy relationship we can feel driven and in life we feel supported we also challenge at times to grow as a person and best of all we feel heard this comes from a place of understanding and I bring this up because this is what most of us long for to feel acceptance from someone we love and adore yet what's the test for a healthy relationship to desire your partner and do absolutely anything for them well to an extent this does not mean giving up your own integrity for anyone so the true test in a relationship in a healthy relationship comes in the way you as a partner and in your partnership handle stressful situations life

 will always throw every single one of us curveballs but it's about how we decide to handle these things which really shows a lot about the specific partner that you are with during these times your partner does not just turn around shame you and walk away and then a couple hours say I'm sorry I just had a bad day oh I'm sorry I just can't handle this then they constantly repeat this healthy relationships are tested by how you handle challenges and unfortunately a lot of us are getting this wrong when these things happen you can tell how your partner views life and honestly how they view the balance of the relationship the biggest thing here is if you continue the oh I'm sorry behavior during the rough times it shows a sense of emotional instability that the relationship may not be a to withstand but yet a bad day does not make you project on to your partner when stressful situations

arise the true test comes when things can happen out of your control and if stressful situations arise for things that you can't control then it's about going back to the foundational rules in life that the both of you are a part of or made an agreement on in relationships you have to have a foundation or else there is no boundaries there's no goals and sustainable lasting love can't be measured on this healthy relationships are understood when a person is supportive during the hard times but not

placing their own sense of integrity under the rug but coming forward with integrity to embrace the growth and sometimes challenges that arise in a relationship you know this is how we grow this is how you grow and find balance as well if this is something that you and your partner constantly do then congratulations because I believe this is one of the biggest tests for your relationships along with the way you and your partner communicate from a level of respect for one another so with that said we actually start to look at our relationship in the best moments even though you know that beautiful and the good moments are beautiful and this is something to really be proud of but we truly

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