

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The TRUTH About Dating Younger Women & How To Attract Them!

today's article we are going to talk about dating younger women I've had a lot of article s requests about dating younger women and men dating older women and I would love to do these articles for the ones that have requested it so just want to give you some tips on dating young women what to expect maybe or maybe how to also make them boost boost your attraction towards them and see if you can also be able to cultivate a really good relationship with this woman now there's no judgement if someone wants younger women or someone wants older women I mean I think that in love it doesn't matter how we love who we love it's a matter of how we love them right and I always talk

about this is coming from a place of wholeness coming from a place that you are valuable you were respectful to them vice versa the woman is respectful to you and the reason why I start off with this is because a lot of times when you date younger women sometimes they can be mentally more mature but sometimes not is law because let's face it they're younger they haven't gone to experience life and especially women in their 20s they're just figuring a lot of things out there finding out who they are as a woman they're growing into their adulthood and what's so American about this is a lot of times in my practice men always say Apollonia like how do I attract a younger woman into my life if I'm an older man and this is what I want this is what I'm attracted to okay well then if you're attracted to it no harm no foul and what I have - what I've have experienced and it all depends on different ages but if you're attracting a woman - or 20s and 30s and she's younger than you she's probably going to

enjoy a little bit more of spontaneity right so she's gonna enjoy more spontaneity with you doing things that are more adrenaline rushing but also - this comes from just you know we put this whole label on dating younger women or day older woman and this advice goes for the same thing and just dating women in general is the way that you connect with them emotionally and every woman is different so having the conversations with them understanding that what they do on their free time things like that and opening up having them open up to you to really show you what they like what their life is all about so you can create something interesting or dates that are interesting that they would like and you would enjoy so there's a compromise here so that's one thing that you do and also they really just sometimes just want to have fun so they're gonna be intrigued by a man that's like up to having fun it doesn't get so emotionally heavy right away and I always say this woman will

directly or indirectly lead you and like let's just say for example you're getting too hot and heavy early on with this game for a woman she's gonna say you know possibly something around the lines of I've heard this plenty of times from younger woman is that you're getting too deep like she's not ready to open up yet right so this might mean that she's probably either not ready for a relationship with you or that it's going too fast or the fact that she's never experienced deep conversations before so I challenge you men to ask yourself - if you were attracted to younger women like what what do you want from a younger woman do you want that emotional connection the sexual enhancement the attractive physical quality of the relationship or all three of them you know and have that

conversation with yourself because I think the biggest thing that I see men do is they chase women that are emotionally unavailable that are unavailable and honestly not going to make them feel more superior they'll make them feel more superior maybe because their good luck charm on their side and they're a beautiful woman but when we come home and you put your head down at night like how does that woman make you feel that's the truth about that meaning like is it's sustainable right it's what you're wanting from this woman is sustainable this is significant to just dating in general does it matter younger or older another tip in regards to dating younger women is a lot of times like they just are especially these Millennials these days we like to I say we but I'm like no I millennium getting on top of here so anyway the whatever thing if you know they liked you probably text more or they like to be on social media a lot and this is what they were raised and born into in our society today

obviously so that's another thing that you have to understand that they'll probably be texting you more and so picking up the phone and calling but not all the time because I remember when I was in my 20s I really appreciate it when a guy called me and I would call it man - so it's all depends on the woman so people that's why I say women will directly or indirectly lead you no matter what it's just about paying attention and being aware and when they do this it's kind of like I rather prefer to text I'm not really a person that likes to talk on the phone okay signal clue clue guys so still say stuff like this and they say Morgan say this whole time some of the ones that don't want to talk on the phone and then the last example or elastic that I can give you an are guards to dating or a woman is getting clarity on what it is that they want right so the way that you get clarity on what it is that they want is finding out about them a little bit you know like how they were raised what they're looking for in life what are their values in life and this has nothing to do with anything other than what I'd say when it comes to dating and relationships I think you're a woman the difference here are do like the rush of spontaneity and like to have fun and like to be active and like to constantly probably go out but there

 are also some women that just like to stay home you know it all depends on the person so the biggest take back from this whole articles understanding the person that's in front of you tracting or women also kind of bonus tip here it means that you're not 100% invested all the time right and I hate saying that but when I'm talking about someone that's a woman that's finding herself at a young age nor 20s and you're not a hundred percent invested in her right now and it's kind of like you're both working at each other you're both working for each other right so I'm not saying that you got to play games and be this guy that's one foot in one foot out no what I'm saying is taking your time with this younger

woman because a lot of times when a man is older and jumps in he just she's just things that I just want to gain I just want to get married and have kids and she might be you know turned off by that but instead you pace yourself you know you you you show her that you're just getting to know her you're not trying to spend every single second with her you're also letting her come to you things like that natural attraction things authentic attraction what I talk about all the time you like today's articleplease give it a thumbs up and as always I'll see you again in the next article remember you are always loved

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