

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

I Love You But Not In Love With You | What It REALLY Means!


in this article we are going to talk about those famous words I love you but I'm not in love with you wow it's one of those heart-wrenching things to hear right it's just as bad almost as you know I like you but I see you more as a friend but in this one is I love you but I'm not in love with you typically means you already fell in love with this person so one thing I want to be clear about is what typically goes on when you first hear these words and probably what you shouldn't do so a lot of times when we hear the fact that that our person that we're in love with loves us but is not in love with us we go to fight-or-flight mode right we just go into why like what can I do to make this better and we go on and it's basically like we're in survival mode to understand so this is something that happens often and probably if you've done that that's probably why you here on this article too I want you to understand that I'm gonna give you clarity on what this means in regards to you in a woman's mind

but also what to do moving forward when this happens in your relationship so typically when a woman says I love you but I'm not in love with you it's because one of the main things is three things here but one of the main things is because she has grown as a different person that you have and I'm gonna be honest here when a woman comes to the thought of I love you but I'm not in love with you it took time for her to get here so there was probably troubles in your relationship that maybe you kind of brushed under the rug and you were like oh that's okay it's just gonna fix itself or I'm gonna try she's gonna stick around and now all of a sudden reality set in and it was a wake-up call for you now when this happens and what I mean is like she's grown as a person meaning she's a different person than she was and she probably wanted something different in the relationship or she wanted to feel different in the relationship and possibly you've let some things come into a fact that have affected the relationship or maybe she did as well and you tried to fix this and it just didn't happen because the fact that she sees something different and she sees someone different and she or she wants to become someone different which happens a lot in relationships and that's why it's so important that effective communication is always top in mind in relationships to understand what

your partner's feeling what your partner is thinking because just because you're in a relationship for five years or ten years doesn't mean that person can't be a different person in five years from now and that's why effective communication is so important in these type of relationships and then another reason why women would say I love you but I'm not in love with you is because of the fact that she has lost attraction and this typically happens when you're dating right so the fact that maybe you've told her that you love her first let's just say and then she says I love you but I'm not in love with you she sees you more as possibly someone that is supportive and a supportive role in her life that's someone that's very nice someone that always looks out for her with her best interest in mind but doesn't give her that spark that attraction that sexual connection that woman yearned for right the that I want him feeling and the way that you build this I talk a lot and a lot of my articles which I'll put here in the cards is building attraction and working on this so a lot of times when we fall behind in relationships when it comes to attraction is because we're either insecure with ourselves and secure with our partner or insecure in the relationship so we let our insecurities get the best of us and this is so important in getting back with someone that you love in a relationship with someone you love

dating whatever the case may be is understanding that you can't lose yourself in a relationship because once you lose yourself in a relationship if your loss what makes you think that your partner will be able to catch you or find anything within you if you don't even know what that is yourself so that is really important if ultimately she's not wanting that relationship right now when a woman says I love you but I'm not in love with you means that you can she doesn't want the relationship right now to now a part of this happens because maybe you were a little bit overbearing maybe she's given you so many warning signals are so many warning clues that she wanted you to step it up where she wanted you to do something different or the fact that maybe she was trying to push her herself away and he kept on trying to make her stay and convince her to stay and finally she got to this point so understand that the biggest thing out of all of this moving forward for you is the way that you're gonna build attraction and find a possible chemistry with this woman again is if you don't focus on the negatives and what you why you couldn't get to this woman what is important that you focus on is you how can I advance in my life how can I grow from this what did I learn from this how can I make myself better from this because once you disconnect the feeling of attachment to this relationship or to this woman and focus on you this will build attraction back from this woman but also to will make

 you more positive when it comes to life which will amplify your energy and make you more magnetic towards women or just things in general of life goals that you have in mind so what a lot of us do after we hear these words is we don't do this we tend to focus more on that person to convince that person why they need to be with us so we come off double and overbearing more aggressive and it just basically validates the point that that woman wanted to let go of you so what's the hardest part of everything is the personal growth is putting everything aside and focusing on you it's because when you really really desire something your brain is in your body and your emotions and your energy are trained to basically go after what you want because you want that feeling so bad so you try
to go after that again but instead you've got to focus on you and not let this relationship get the best of you or understand what you can do in order to move forward to be happier to heal to grow from this relationship so you can see it at an outside perspective and then also possibly attract this woman back to you if you are facing this and you are having troubles with this and this is something that has hit home for you I encourage you to click the link below in the description box and book a private coaching session with me and we can give to the bottom of this I can give you some clarity and also help you through this hard time and as always I look forward to your comments questions and concerns and I will see you in the next article and remember you are always loved bye for now

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