

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How To SPICE UP Your Relationship! 5 Tips To Keep It Spicy!

today's article we are going to talk about how to spice up your relationship this is a good one I'm going to use this article for you because of the fact that I want you to be able to analyze this article a little bit and tailor it to your relationship right now a lot of times when you're in a relationship for probably over five years maybe sometimes even three years unfortunately you're kind of lacking something lacking possibly a connection or attraction which I encourage you to watch a lot of my articles in my playlists about relationship advice if this is something that's happening to you in regards to attraction and connection but this in general is just to spice up your relationship make it fun again or enhance it right now even if things are going great so some tips and this really in this article I'm gonna start right now tip 

number one is have a conversation with her that you've never had before ask her a question that you've never asked her before that will kind of throw her off and I have something special for you that will help you with that it's my 20 question manual to get to know a woman's true self it's absolutely free I encourage you to download that it's in the description box below tip 

number two on how to spice up your relationship is to try new things right to do things that scare you a little bit and get to that journal and running you know I may be your wife wanted to do or your girlfriend wanted to do bungee excuse-me skydiving or something one day and she continues to talk about it and you're just so scared to do it now is the time to kind of get out of your comfort zone and do it together something like that or doing things doesn't that does does not have to be that extreme you know those you can go to a race car event where you're like racing the cars or you can do bumper cars and some of these bumper cars actually go really fast so try new things do some putt-putt golfing or bowling or there's like mazes that you can go do take her to a garden take her to a winery you know have her challenge her to cook for you you know like cook kill guys who can cook together if she doesn't ever do that so get inventive with the ideas and there's so many great ideas out there that you can do and for you men that are married or in a relationship help these other men out in the calm what do you do to keep the spice up in your relationship I would love to know tip 

number three is also influenced her by your goals right okay so here's what I mean is when you're on a purpose and when you add value to a relationship and you're driven and your comp confident from within about what your purpose is in life so let's just say you're an entrepreneur and you have your own business or you are a heavy weight lifting champion or whatever and you train once a year to do body competitions or you are a teacher and you teach skydiving to people and or there's so many other things that I can think of because all of my time just going through the rolodex of clients that do these things and what I'm saying here is you can impact the person that you're with by doing this so then having the conversation of what they want to do if they haven't done this so encouraging her like for instance for me I'll share a personal story with you I've been wanting to do salsa lessons for so long but I've been so busy with work and consumed with work and one day my partner was just like here's your gift certificate now you have salsa lessons no excuse kind of thing so it kind of got me out and forced me to do things and it actually enhanced heard spiced up the relationship because of the fact that I was taken back one that he did that but also two that I was able to do this so it just made me feel more empowered more sexy and it just helped me overall so then there's your inside mind tip from a woman on this one so next tip I think it's tip number four on how to spice up your relationship is by having a date night right a lot of times were consumed in families and friends and work and all of this stuff and we don't set a time for the highest time for our relationship so I think a date night as long as you can set aside time is really important whatever time that is doesn't have to be once a week maybe every two weeks or once a month you've had this special date where you know it's date night and you amp each other up and you're like five more days and you better be looking sexy you know stuff like that do that stuff and make it fun and then last tip is tip 

number five is get out of your routine this is overall one of probably the most important your routine is what sometimes can bore you in a relationship and you don't get to understand your partner any more on a deeper level because you're just fitting this routine coming home cooking dinner turning on the TV and then falling asleep together and that's it and you barely have conversations right so now it's time to really think about what is your routine and what can I take out of this routine maybe it's TV let's play a card game of uno let's play a card game of poker let's play 21 let's play blackjack or whatever at night like let's do different things let's go get ice cream you know do something different and challenge each other make it fun do something that you can engage in each other with or just stand up stay up at night you know during instead of watching TV talking about how your day was or having a nice glass of wine and chit chatting or putting on some  and dancing and you know doing different things and this is what's going to help you really advance in the relationship because once you start here other things will come about that will just spice up your relationship because it's all about an energy shift in your relationship if you have any troubles with your relationship right now I encourage you to download my 35 rules to save your relationship and it's in the description box below if you liked today's article please give it a thumbs up and as always I'll see you again in the next article and remember you are always loved bye for now 

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