

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How To Make A Woman Like You In Under 5 Seconds

gentlemen today we're sharing seven ways to make a woman like you in under five seconds don't think it's possible your window to make a good first impression lasts seven seconds two of those seconds you're hesitating which means you got five seconds to make it count what do you do in an instant a woman makes up her mind about you what you do what you say how you move can all make or break your chances it's high stakes and there are a lot of guys going home empty-handed but we're here to help you avoid that today we're gonna let you in on the cues that women subconsciously notice in the first seconds of meeting so sit tight let's get to it
number seven the attraction trifecta to start off we have to be blunt with three very important rules what are they rule number one be handsome rule number two be attractive rule number three don't be unattractive now before you worry about whether you're attractive to girls remember this you could reassemble the love child of a brick and a walnut with eyes a mouth and some ears of course and you can still be attractive to women the only problem getting to that point takes a lot of work like exercise cleanliness and finding the right haircut and a wardrobe that fits and a lot of time to build the habits of living a healthy life so you look healthy and feel good about yourself and we know this article is about how to get a girl to like you in under five seconds but that doesn't mean it was gonna be cake you have to look good and emanate confidence before women even consider talking to you the good news the chances are that you're thinking it's way harder to look good than it really is
number six make the sale one way to think about how to make a woman like you is by imagining you're a door-to-door salesman who's selling a product and no it's not a new roof vacuum cleaner or fast pass to heaven it's you you're the product so what are your best features what are the interesting things you've done with your life why would a girl want to date you figure out what makes you awesome and be unapologetic about sharing your finer aspects with women just don't brag that's because actually being proud of yourself and the things you've accomplished and sharing them with a woman in a way that gets are excited about the interesting man talking to her is exactly how to attract girls
number five kay thanks bye one of our favorite tricks to getting girls to chase you is by flicking out on her but not in the way you're thinking no the way this trick works is actually pretty low risk and surprisingly effective all you have to do is find a girl you're interested in walk up to her and give her a unique an enthusiastic compliment then walk away and enjoy your night now when trying this trick out it's important not to be too chivalrous but more casual light-hearted and uplifting for example hey I saw you from across the room and had to tell you that you're killing it tonight being less specific actually works in your favor because it'll make her wonder what she's doing right and if she finds you attractive enough she'll approach you at some point and if she doesn't at least you didn't waste too much effort on something that probably wouldn't have worked in the first place getting girls to approach you is easier than you think don't believe us check out this article hey guys if you want to master first impressions with girls keep watching because we've got four more tricks on the way that could change the way women perceive you alright let's get back to it
number four know when to hold them if you've ever played a game of poker you know how important remaining cool and relaxed is the same applies to how you interact with a girl and how much information you give her that's because when guys get overexcited it's super easy to overshare and women don't want to feel like they know everything about you in the first minute of talking to you women like a little mystery and where's the mystery in that
number three say cheese you might be thinking that this tip is about taking a picture with a girl in the first five seconds of meeting her it's not just keep that one for yourself and you might also be thinking that this is one of our alpha male body language tricks which it is but really all we're trying to say here is this smile and introduce yourself that's how to attract girls even a simple smile in her direction will separate you from the guys who are too afraid to look her in the eyes and as long as you worked on the attraction trifecta beforehand you'll be just fine
number two engage your gluteus maximus alright gentlemen it's time for your daily anatomy lesson your teachers back in elementary school might have told you to keep your gluteus maximus in your seat which roughly translates to keep your butts in your chairs the reason they told you this was because you were hard to manage and a little bit of a nightmare but also it's how to keep your posture straight and proper Oh your core muscles play a part too and do you know how to get a girl to instantly like you stand sit and walk tall with a back that's straight as an arrow
number one open up if you're wondering how to make your crush like you check out this article for tips but since you're more interested in how to make a woman like you and under five seconds this tip is your Holy Grail that's because people literally decide whether they like someone in the blink of an eye but it's possible to change a girl's perspective of you in five to ten seconds with some body language tricks to make her chase you to start just open up your posture by exposing your chest and looking relaxed but why because opening up your posture shows you're receptive of who you're talking to on the flip side crossing your arms is a sign you're defending yourself you can thank thousands of years of human instincts for that one because now you can use it to your advantage those are the seven ways to make a woman like you in under five seconds

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