

Sunday, April 21, 2019

How To Make Her Miss You | When She Think's You Aren't The One!

for you men to go confidently in the direction to attract that woman that you desire build the confidence for your dating and relationship lives and in today's article i'm going to talk about how to make her miss you this article is specifically designed for you possibly having a split or a recent encounter with a woman and all of a sudden she told you that she wasn't interested or that she doesn't feel like this is gonna lead to anything or you feel she feels like this is not gonna work out same thing so i'm gonna talk about these particular situations is when a woman typically will text you or call you or all of us at and start hanging out with you and then one time just be like I'm done like I can't do this I don't see this going anywhere alright so that's a whole nother article of the reason of why she probably won't got here which I think I haven't another article and I'll put it up here in the cards when I figure it out but what I'm talking about right now is how to make her miss you and trying to showcase some type of him change so she can come back and then you can try to either date her
again or be with her again so the first thing that pops up is tip

number one is you have to kind of showcase some change so what is the change that you can start showcasing I don't know do something that is exciting do something that excites you take skydiving skydiving lessons take skiing lessons go hiking and then once you do this tip number two is post the stuff on social media you want her you want to use social media I know it's crazy these days you can use this but use social media as your foundation to showcase what you bring up to you because what how old woman get some treat is by curiosity and that's what you have to remember is she doesn't want to feel like she's missing out on something good right so something good is showing and showcasing change of probably whatever made the reason of the why she drifted apart from you or why you drifted apart from her but even if you don't know why this happened these are things that you can start doing and then once this once you start doing the try new activities number one and then

number two is showcase and change on social media is 3 is be social you know be social go out there have fun hang out with friends if you can lose a couple pounds here in there lose a couple pounds so you can showcase physical change as well and you want to showcase emotional change as well because when she reaches out you need to which is the most important thing is you need to show her something different you need to change the pace here and when she reaches out to you and if this girl somewhat does like you and has some curiosity remember the first time that she's reaching out to you is because she's curious it doesn't mean that she's convinced so you have to be able to be kind of closed-ended when she reaches out to you so she might be like hi how are you doing and maybe take

a couple hours to reply and say I'm doing great I hope you're doing great as well remember it was her decision to move on so if she really wants to be with you or to start pursuing you again in the relationship it's really important that she makes the moves to do so at this point because I'm sure you made the moves before so she's particularly the end of this what I would suggest for you to do is just keep on continuing to focus on you keep on doing that keep on doing you she's going to reach out to get remember what I said just because she reached out doesn't mean that she wants you right now it's just burning her curiosity so you got to impact the curiosity even more by not reciprocating on text messages when she reaches out to you being kind of close ended here and there as if it you just don't really care about this and you've accepted the fact that you wanted her that she's moved on so by you doing this she will continue to reach out to you might take another week my tape of couple days who

cares but until the curiosity gets strong enough to be like so I was wondering if you want to grab a cup of coffee or wondering what you're up to or hey I'm gonna go here later if you want to meet up there then that's when you can showcase your change face to face and when you do this it's not like oh I missed you you look so beautiful did it it up no keep it cool keep casual just like you met her on the first day that you guys met and take it from there if you liked today's article give it a thumbs up and because you stayed till the end I have something for you it's called my seven common mistake ebook that men make when attracting a woman I'll put that down in the description box below so you guys can download that and as always I'll see you again in the next article and remember you are always loved

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