

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

99.9% Of Women Get Turned On When You Build These Types Of Emotional Connections!

this article because I give you some really big details about how women think on how to build an emotional connection and something for you if you are not interested in turning on a woman and also connecting with a woman then that's okay this article might not be for you I know you've seen my articles I constantly talk about an emotional connection and I am going to break down the ways women want a man to build an emotional connection you've probably been told that in order to be with a woman or get her to want you you have to build an emotional connection or possibly a woman wasn't interested and she just says I just want don't feel it or I just want to be friends so I don't want you to misinterpret what an emotional connection means because I see men doing this a lot building

an emotional connection does not mean that you just do whatever the woman wants and you send roses and you pick up every call and even when you're busy and give her everything in the beginning and show her that you were amazing absolutely not this is what kills attraction an emotional connection is built from integrity and also time so let me break down some ways an emotional connection is built with a woman an emotional connection is built with sexual desire yes but also with a man holding himself with integrity and going after what he wants without being too direct and overbearing this means escalating when you're supposed to and pacing yourself when you get to know a woman pacing yourself will be your best friend let me give you some examples of how to escalate and then we're going to get him into some more examples on how to pace yourself and the integrity part of building an emotional connection with a woman here is how you escalate with woman you can ask them things and be flirtatious and this is how you sexually escalate to see if she

 is accepting and attracted to you you can say things like this I see the way you're looking at me be careful with those eyes because you speak loud and clear of what you want or you can say something like this are you flirting with me because I'm getting the idea you're flirting with me or year we can say something like this you are going to be lots of trouble or you can say something like this don't do that with your lips she'll ask why and you'll suddenly say you know why I talk a lot about this in my authentic attraction bootcamps so I invite you to download my ebook called the seven common mistakes men make when attracting a woman so then you can be notified also when my bootcamp starts I'll also put the description link bellow in this article now moving on you can ask questions around sexuality and if she is reciprocating this means attraction is being built it does not automatically mean that she is ready to just jump in bed with you like I said you have to learn how to slowly initiate and be subtle when a man can master this it gets the woman thinking about you when

 she gets home and this is one part of the way you get her to think about you non-stop this is the power of attraction once you do this then you build more on the emotional component and show the woman you can shift a couple things right so you just actually escalated sexually you're pacing yourself and you're getting to know her now you're bringing in more of the emotional component the emotional component is not sending her flowers every waking minute and trying to live a romance novel no so especially if you want her to be more committed to you you want to build this emotion connection you start by having a connection and in remembering specific things and bringing them up later so specific things about her and bringing them up later the emotional connection is not built on you asking the right questions as if she is being tested but it means opening up space for the both of you and for her to ask you some questions as well but it does not stop there and this is where men get a little confused you know they constantly think that they have to build this dialogue through text

but know occasionally by phone but more of this has to happen face-to-face how a woman makes a decision emotionally on how she wants to be with you is by sexual desire mystery integrity of a man and of herself and balance since I broke down the sexual desire part let's talk about the mystery you know it's not games you can't fake being busy as this comes off in authentically but being aligned with your purpose but yet understanding that you aren't all-in and you don't have to try and do all in your power to impress her you show up and you're available here and there but you're subtle in the ways you choose to show up and you don't overextend yourself to make her want you and this comes off from the energy that you created which leads me to
number three integrity how you see yourself every day as a man the true men that master this and don't stay single for long are the ones that stand up with integrity and nothing more or nothing less the definition of integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles moral up rightness once you have this you create a balance that naturally draws a woman to you and you build that with sexual desire and the right type of mystery comes natch along the process if you want to know more about this I invite you to sign up for my in-person boot camps or or schedule a coaching session one-on-one with me I will provide you with the links of the things that I mentioned in this article below I'd love to hear from you I'd love to share your comments questions and concerns give this article a thumbs up and share this article with anybody that can use it as always I'll see you again in the next article and remember you are always loved bye for now

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