

Sunday, April 21, 2019

8 Habits That Make Your Boyfriend Love You Less

ah such a beautiful thing when you fall,head-over-heels for someone but then,those feelings suddenly fade away why is,that it could be because of some,seemingly innocent and harmless habits,you do every day without even realizing,it take for instance being messy have,you ever wondered why your passion,disappears not long after you start,living together well if one of you is,messy then it's no wonder nobody likes,seeing dirty socks lying around the,house and personal hygiene items left in,the toilet or the bathroom sink and,don't try to put your responsibilities,on somebody else your partner isn't your,mom or dad and they shouldn't have to,clean up the whole house while you sit,and watch TV or surf the web,you are both grownups so show some,respect for one another clean up after,yourself and your significant other will,really appreciate it invading personal,space when you

first start dating you,can't get enough of one another and want,to be together all the time and it's,completely natural since your hormones,aren't going crazy right now however,every single one of us needs some me,time to reflect on our lives and goals,or just relax so give your boyfriend,this opportunity experts say that men,are generally less sociable than women,so that's why they crave personal space,way more and hey the same goes for,clingy guys as well plus nothing kills,love like seeing each other every minute,of every day especially when one or both,of you have the habit of just barging,into the bathroom while the other one is,using it that ain't romantic at all,just imagine how amazing it'll be when,you see each other after at least an,evening apart those butterflies will be,back in no time,being manipulative do you like it when,someone tries to get you to do something,you don't want well your partner doesn't,like it either,every time you deliberately start to cry,or say that you don't want to see them,unless they do what you say their love,for you slowly dies down less

obvious,and sneaky ways of manipulation won't,work either subconsciously we all know,when someone is playing with us after,all are you in a relationship to be a,tyrant or to be a part of a healthy,Union both of your opinions matter and,your partner deserves to be treated with,the same respect and honesty you expect,from them getting jealous love makes us,vulnerable and fragile and we're all,scared that the person we adore the most,will break our heart and that's exactly,where this awful feeling of jealousy,comes from you think that this girl at,the bar is checking out your guy and his,co-worker looks pretty suspicious too as,a result you project all your fears onto,him he has no idea what's going on and,your own little paradise turns into a,nightmare one of the best things you can,do is talk to him openly about your,feelings he'll understand what you're,going through and you'll know that you,can trust him however there's one major,exception here if your boyfriend or,girlfriend gets jealous about absolutely,everything you do this feeling comes,from their controlling behavior

and,possessiveness unfortunately it's almost,impossible to change these people so the,best thing you can do is to get out of,that relationship having different,visions of the future it's so easy to,get caught up in your own personal,fantasies of your perfect future with,the one you love I mean let's be real,some people are even imagining their,perfect wedding right after a first date,but sometimes these seemingly innocent,imaginary montages can ruin your,relationship completely a lot of the,time we expect our partner to have the,same view of the future as we do Oh mark,and I are gonna have two kids a house in,the suburbs and six dogs in a month,later you find out that mark doesn't,want to have kids loves his downtown,apartment and is a cat person BAM your,dreams are shattered the best way to,handle it is to get into a relationship,with no major expectations early on,you'll love this guy you want to be with,him what more do you want,you can cross every bridge when you get,there although if you have strong,opinions about certain things for,example you're absolutely sure that you,don't want to have kids you should,probably discuss it beforehand to be on,the same page trying to be perfect when,you're dating you want to be the perfect,woman you might choose your best

clothes,spend hours doing your hair and makeup,or go for those super cute but really,uncomfortable panties just to impress,him,but it's a big mistake trying to be,flawless,instead of being yourself and being,comfortable while you do it if you have,a couple of zits so what your boyfriend,isn't perfect either if you want to wear,your old stretched-out t-shirt around,the house go for it,you don't have to look like a model for,your boyfriend to adore you he's in love,with who you are not how you look,actually to figure out what guys are,really after psychologist Russell Clark,and Elaine Hatfield conducted an,interesting experiment back in 1989 they,asked a couple of young women to chat,with some guys around the Florida State,University campus mind you they weren't,all dressed up or anything like that,just casual clothes and not much makeup,at all in the end nearly 70% of the guys,were interested enough to want to meet,up with the girls later on proving that,you don't need to look perfect in order,to attract someone so relax be yourself,and let your personality shine

through,constantly complaining it's totally,natural to get annoyed and want to,complain about anything and everything,but you gotta pick your battles blowing,off some steam may be relieving for you,but it's unbelievably toxic for everyone,else including your partner doing the,ultimate combo of complaining about him,to him is a bad idea as well this only,creates division and tension in your,romance if it's about a serious issue in,your relationship,it's better to take time to calm down,and then have a proper conversation and,guys you shouldn't forget about this,simple rule either the same thing goes,for fighting over texts by the way wait,until you can get together and discuss,the problem instead of hurting each,other via SMS you probably see how,childish and stupid your fight is once,you discuss it out loud compromising we,are constantly being told that,compromise is the key to a strong,romantic bond if you can't find a,compromise you lose and as long as I'm,here to dispel myths let me tell you,something this principle doesn't work in,a real life at all according to

Nicole,Witte a conflict resolution coach when,you and your partner have different,points of view you subconsciously see,the situation as a competition so you,either win or lose in this debate,depending on how much the compromise,benefits your side and just like that,compromising turns into two people,taking turns getting mostly what they,want,this creates isolation within your,relationship breaking your union into,two different sides a much better method,to turn to is collaboration use your,imagination and join forces to come up,with a third solution that will look,good to both of you this way you won't,take sides and fight one against the,other you'll be creating something,together and that exactly what a healthy,union is all about what everyday habits,do you think can really ruin a,relationship share your thoughts down in,the comments remember to give this article,a like share it with your friends

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