

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

7 Things Women SECRETLY Wish ALL Men Did!


he doesn't like as an IKE ever oh my god I'm so sorry I'll take care of this just call just call me later after he goes to work gentlemen that was your girl and you have a problem wanted me to tell you that she's been she's been a naughty girl and needs to be spanked who's your daddy gentlemen just get it crap I just probably got demonetised gentlemen here's the deal today I've got a super special treat for you and your girls hey I'm going over seven things that all women wished guys did the first thing that all women wished all men did was take control that's right woman wants a dude who isn't afraid to be like yo girl this is happening and then makes it happen as opposed to um excuse me Brenda would you mind if we come to kiss a little bit maybe made out maybe let me feel your boob and then

possibly have the sex three words Shades of Grey gentlemen I'm done say you know I'm just saying there's a reason that movie was so popular the second thing that all women wish their man did was be extra sweet to them in front of her friends goal is to make her friends so freakin jealous of her because they've got you you are an amazing dude right and there you are being like oh my god Sheila you're amazing god you're sexy you're affectionate but not too affectionate sweet without being like obnoxiously like annoyed don't try and like make out with there in front of our friends Ruth is all women want their friends to be jealous of them that's the reason why they dress so super sexy it's not for you it's for them they want other women to look at them and think bit shaming goes for you you want to make sure that her friends think that you are like totally into her now the other benefit to this if it doesn't work out with your girl options plentiful bringing us to the third thing all women wish their man did which was dress better let me paint a picture for you there's your girl right she spends

time money energy and looking great right or body fine her hair always fixed her makeup done her handbag amazing her peep toe pumps priceless she looks phenomenal and you are proud to have her on your arm but is she proud to have you of yourself as an accessory now you're not as exciting as a handbag but you got to look good so that you don't make her look bad think about it speaking of looking bad the fourth thing that all women wished their man did was use T's Handley I think it's a coincidence that women spent so much time and energy taking care of their face and their skin women are smarter than us they know that if they want to look good tomorrow a month from now a year from now five years from now it starts today I'm gonna tell you a secret don't tell your girl but skincare what she's doing overcomplicated too much money too many products gentlemen you need to do four things every single day you need to wash your face twice a day you need to exfoliate your face twice a week and then you need to apply an a.m. moisturizer with an SPF of 20 the other thing

you need to do use a moisturizer at night when you're resting when you're sleeping this is when your body is doing what it does which is rebuild he'll make yourself super handsome and the only way that it can make you super handsome is if you give it what it needs but outfits so complicated how can I get with gentlemen don't worry about it T's Hanley we take all the guesswork out of it we tell you when to use what product in what order and check it out hell much too literally dude prove gentlemen and if you want to take your skincare fight to the next level go with the level two system which comes with an anti-aging eye cream but if you want to fight mother nature like becoming foo ninja yeah you see right like yeah exactly level three which comes with not only the eye cream and anti-aging super serum gentleman tea shanlee is your answer to looking incredible not only now but

having amazing skin forever guys there's a link down below that link is going to take you to our super fancy new website that landing page is also going to give you an incredible discount on your first box the truth is T's handling is not only the highest quality skin care products you're going to find or your girl is ever going to use because don't tell her but our stuff is better than what she is using and the price like I said it is freaking ridiculous guys we've taken the guesswork out of it we've cut out the middleman to give you and bring you only the products you need at an amazing price hit that link and go check out T's Hanley yes I told him I told him he's gonna spank you get I gotta go a pitching tease gentlemen link below t shanley dot-com check it out and get handsome today the thing all women wished their men did it was give them presents now you're like oh I don't have money alpha I knew it came down to giving her stuff the answer is it's not about this stuff it's about the thought a lot of times the best gifts that you can give her are just little things that let her know that you were thinking of her throughout the day I don't even need to buy it can find it like a little rock be like hey baby I saw this rock I thought it was beautiful I thought beautiful rock I thought you're my beautiful rock see that flower yeah you don't need to go buy a bouquet pick one out of your neighbor's yard and be like darling I think you're beautiful a beautiful flower I'm telling you a plant is always a homerun guys the deal is this you just need to let her know that you were thinking of her now the thing is it can't just be like holidays and special occasions random this is the best thing and ultimately what she loves the most
number six tell her she looks beautiful not just when she gets dressed up like first thing in the morning when she's not wearing makeup just let her know hey you're beautiful because this is honestly something that that women are a little bit insecure about and with all the crazy like social media stuff there has never been more pressure to look beautiful and to be attractive and so by you just letting her know how beautiful you think she is tell her when she's looking rough and she's gonna be like me no I look terrible you're like baby come on you can never look so fine I like you like this all rough and subd actually don't say profits just let her know you think she's beautiful even when she's not all sexed up and sassy and last but certainly not least and one that we all are going to hate the 7 thing that women wish all men did was watch chick flicks with them one of the reasons why we as men hate watching chick flicks because they always have a dude in them it is like some amazing

 like dude right and it makes us kind of look a little bad you're like what is that what you want you think you think that's that's not reality that's a movie woman I'm here I'm reality I'm amazing got you're Ryan Gosling notebook month before I hate him is the thing women what they need you to just hanging out with them on once in a while she watches football games with you she does what you want to do she even hangs out when you're playing article games occasionally do you think she wants to know does she do it because she loves you yes and you need to watch a chick flick because you love her plus when she's all crying in your comforting earth miss Karen snot running down her face and you're comforting her tell us she looks beautiful gentlemen that's it seven things all women wished their men did yeah we're done he's gone okay yeah okay I'll be right over it's a naughty piece

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