

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

7 Sexy Things Guys Wear That Girls Love

gentlemen today we're sharing with you seven sexy things guys we're that girls love because we get it it's no fun frantically searching through your closet for the right outfit an hour before you need to leave for a social event while wondering does this match or does this smell okay so relax we're here to help you sort through the madness and find what works for you and the ladies with seven sexy things guys where so let's get to it
number seven you like Fitness fitness outfit on your body but seriously rule number one with any outfit and yes you should be wearing outfits fellas is that it needs to form to your body no matter what your body type is because you look like a kite when you wear a loose-fitting clothes and absolutely zero girls want their date to fly away on d-day so get some clothes that fit it's one of the most attractive things to girls that guys wear not only will they make you look more fit yourself and attractive form-fitting clothes is one of the first things girls notice about guys
number six speaking of outfits diversify one of the cornerstones of the perfect wardrobe is versatility so when we say wear outfits all we're saying is your entire closet can be manipulated to work in any social situation to do that you'll have to learn what colors styles and patterns work well together because if your closet isn't versatile enough a girl might see you wearing the same thing twice in a row and one of the things guys wear that girls love is an outfit that's fresh and not the same as the last time you hung out
number five times it's slow and welcome to be a scent the beauty Shopping Network and boy do we have a very special offer for you today on an item that will instantly make you more attractive even if you're ugly it's the Vince Aero timepiece one of the most affordable yet stylish brands of watches on the market today and we wanted to take a moment to talk about the finer aspects of a Mancera watch just take a look at the face see how it instantly grabs your attention and demands to be noticed it's one of the finer things women will notice about you if you're wearing one and how about that strap it complements the other colors of the watch perfectly and will look fantastic with the belt of the same color Ben Sarah watches are made with high-quality straight from the source materials so you know they'll stand the test of time and the best part there are affordable even on the smallest budget so what are you waiting for act now in order your Vince era watch before this great deal passes you by
number for seeing red have you ever seen a guy wearing a vibrant red suit or a girl wearing a tight red dress it's hard to miss isn't it that's because the color red naturally catches your eye and it's almost always worn to make a statement so if you're feeling ridiculously confident try it out sometime but start small with something like a tire handkerchief because the truth is red clothing items instantly make you more attractive you just have to have the bold personality to match it like we said wearing red takes confidence and confidence takes practice watch this article to learn how to be more confident around women feeling like girls will fall head over heels for you the moment you leave the house yet well don't go anywhere because we still have three more sexy things guys where the girls love that you need to know so let's get back to them shall we
number three strut your stuff full disclosure this tip only works if you know some of our tricks to get girls to chase you check those out here that's because one of those tricks is hitting the gym on a regular basis and if you're not doing that you won't have a nice butt to strut in your brand spankin new tailored pants because the truth is girls check out guys butts just as much as guys check out girls butts and a pair of tailored pants shows off all the right stuff in all the right places but if you're worried about the cost tailoring a pair of jeans will generally run you between 10 and 20 bucks and that's a steal for all the heads your butt will turn
number two it doesn't matter what if we told you it doesn't matter what you wear as long as you wear it with confidence well it doesn't matter what you wear as long as you wear it with confidence think about it if you're self-conscious about the clothes you already wear every day you'll always be too worried you don't look your best so why put yourself through that any longer if you want to feel good about how you look find clothes that make you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror if you make the confident decision to find a new look and make it a part of who you are you'll be doing one of the things that women find very attractive owning it
number one are cheesy item okay for this last item we wanted to teach you how to make a girl fall in love with you and do that need to buy anything at all you just have to wear the number one thing guys wear that girl's love which happens to be a nice big smile I know we warned you it was cheesy but seriously once a girl gets to know you she doesn't care what you're wearing she just wants someone who makes her happy and if a girl's gonna feel comfortable about your approach you got to look like you're the one who can turn her night into something more exciting and what's the easiest way to do that wear a warm and inviting smile just do some test runs in the mirror first so you don't look creepy

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