

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

5 Ways to Attract Girls WITHOUT Saying Anything!

I would talk to her I just I just don't know what to say what if I say something stupid I get nervous i stuttering Shh stop when it comes to attraction what you saying what comes out of your mouth is less important than how you act how you present yourself in the nonverbal communicating that you're doing and today we're gonna help you knock it out of the spicy senorita part today we are going over the top five ways to attract women or dudes whatever you're into without saying the first way to attract a woman without even having to speak is your style it's about style now here is the great news your style doesn't need to be flashy it doesn't need to be flamboyant you don't need to wear the latest and greatest trends and super expensive things first tip I will give you when it comes to upgrading your style is grab a trash bag and head it to your wardrobe now what I want you to do is go through

 piece by piece by piece and actually try things on and see what fits you what doesn't fit you this is a disaster I got empty hires I got jeans that I haven't worn in like 17 18 months I got shirts that don't fit gentlemen here is the deal one year if you haven't worn something in a year chances are you're not gonna wear it in the next 12 months grab that trash bag fill it up and donate it to charity if you purge your wardrobe then it's time to analyze where are you deficient where are the holes in your wardrobe and then you're gonna go shopping and start replacing systematically than needed items what I'd recommend is start with the items that are going to give you the best style ROI so like jeans if you

 need new jeans start there because you can wear them with a lot of different outfits over time over the course of a year you are going to rebuild an incredibly stylish and sexy wardrobe one that gets attention the other style hack that I'll give you is pay attention to the mannequins when you're shopping in a store you go in and you're gonna see like complete ensembles right these mannequins are addressed by professional stylists usually women and they know that yo this looks good and so if you're looking to up your style and you don't know where to start go to a store look at the mannequin grab an associate and get her to help you build that look the second way to attract somebody without saying a word is to work on your body language language is so incredibly important bad eye contact good eye contact bad smile good smile bad walk good walk a lot of us were not born with confidence

sexy body language but if you work on it you develop it you can master body language but you got to pay attention you got to be aware because if you're not you're gonna fall back into old habits you would be amazed at how many guys I see that have absolutely horrible unsexy body language when guys are confident and they're walking and they're talking and they're engaging in a confident manner it automatically raises their sexiness from like a six to an 11.5 big and raising your sexiness the third way to attract somebody without saying a word is to smell amazing you want to automatically raise your attraction level from like a five and a half to like a thirteen point seven smell amazing this means that you need to use the odorant you need to shower you also need to find a signature scent you are somebody who wants to smell amazing wants to experience different incredible fragrances guys there is no better bang for your fragrance buck than today's article sponsor scent bird scent bird is a monthly subscription service where each month they're gonna send you a little vial that looks like this right it's point two seven ounces which equates to like a hundred and twenty squirts all right monk
number one you're gonna get this super sexy slim metal carrying case right inside is where your cologne will actually go and then each month they're gonna send you a new cologne that you pick and the beautiful thing and the thing that I absolutely love about scent bird is that you get to go on and explore and experiment without risking like a ton of money because the truth is cologne is super freaking expensive there's nothing worse than going into a store to buy a new cologne right you go in you smell like 27 colognes right you pick one you get it home you spend like $100 on it give yourself a few squirts and you're like yo check me out don't I smell amazing and everybody's like oh my god what is that smell think bird has an insane selection of different colognes and the cool thing you go on and you just start picking right and it adds it to your queue and then each month basically they send you the next Cologne that's in your queue recently I got the lure by Robert Graham Roth freaking dick ulis guys this could possibly be my new go-to : light period another option is the

Anthony one less than $15 a month you get the smell incredible always guys right now they're actually hooking you up with an even better deal and discount code I will link to that down below along with the clones that I personally feel smell amazing fourth way to attract people without actually having to speak is your friends your friends are going to do the work for you and alpha why you've always hit me with the social proof I don't have friends so it doesn't work for me gentlemen I got you I got you covered what I would recommend you do in order to build a better friend network along with some incredible social proof and pictures is join a rec sport league like softball or kickball ruining some type of intramural sports team that is co-ed in my opinion is a great way to get active get social meet a lot of people and get a lot of social proof because everybody takes tons of pictures right so you'll be able to sort of like hack the system you'll meet some incredible people and possibly a spicy senorita and last but certainly not least the fifth way to attract somebody without having to speak is to be confident now you're like yo thanks bang mind blowing if I was confident I wouldn't need all this I'd be able to walk up and just start talking gentlemen here's the deal I'm gonna give you a tip a trick number one subscribe to the Alpha em YouTube channel
number two do things that are kind for other people like opening the door giving up your seat possibly buying somebody behind yous coffee like you regularly doing small gestures of kindness this automatically and instantaneously gives your brain a little Poppa dopamine a little confidence jolt because it feels so freakin good doing something nice for other people the more you do it the more popping of dopamine you're getting the more confident you become the confidence that you get from helping other people isn't enough I got another byproduct of you being kind and generous and helping other people other people will possibly see you doing nice things and automatically they see you doing nice things they think you're more attractive it's a

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